Commercial Operators
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Commercial Operators

ULAK Communication Inc., established in 2017 and rapidly making a name for itself among the key players producing telecommunications infrastructure worldwide, has been frequently mentioned in the industry with its ULAK base stations developed and produced with the participation of its valuable employees.

ULAK 4.5G base station, successfully put into service within the scope of Universal Mobile Coverage Projects (Phase-1 and Phase-2) and started to be used in live networks, has been increasing its prevalence day by day by signing commercial agreements with all three operators in Türkiye. The number of established field stations has also reached approximately 2000.

ULAK base stations continue to serve throughout Türkiye since 2018. With self-confidence of working with all operators in Türkiye, our company carries forward its success through collaborations with mobile operators that are powerful in their regions since 2021. On the other hand, with the 3rd phase of Universal Mobile Coverage Project in Turkey, ULAK 4.5G base stations will be established in approximately 1000 new settlements in the countryside as another achievement of ULAK.

ULAK base stations have been serving extensively throughout Türkiye since 2018. Our company is advancing its successes every day through collaborations with mobile operators who have become prominent in their regions since 2021, with the self-confidence of working with all operators in Türkiye. On the other hand, another success signed by ULAK is that ULAK 4.5G base stations will reach about 1000 new settlements in rural areas with the 3rd phase of Universal Mobile Coverage Project in Türkiye.

With the ULAK 4.5G base station, Türkiye has become one of the few countries in the world that can produce base stations. Our company, which is working with all its might to take this title to higher levels, is progressing with the mission of being a reliable business partner that adds value to global mobile operators. ULAK is developing projects to help redesign the ecosystem with the 5G-based OpenRAN architecture and aims to shape the industry with 6G solutions.

In addition to all of these, our company also benefits from its 5G base station and core network development efforts, its productization experience with 4.5G, its field experience, and its advantages of similarity between technologies.